Nov 20 2018


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If you would like to contact us, please phone or E-mail Gretchen Kivell (03) 473 0031

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Contact”

  1. jacshadingham  Jacquion 14 Sep 2018 at 2:56 pm

    I came across your website and would like to know more about Sea of Faith. I gather that your group is founded on unitarian views (?) and you seem to have a tolerant and pragmatic approach to spirituality.

    I have been living in Dunedin for only a few years and have been searching for a “place to belong” spiritually and philosophically. I would like to find out more, please.


  2. spittle  spittleon 17 Sep 2018 at 7:38 am

    Dear Jacqui
    Thank you for your enquiry. The links page has a link to the NZ Sea of Faith site and it and similar sites have a little on the history of the Sea of Faith. The Sea of Faith groups started after Don Cupitt’s TV series entitled Sea of Faith (links on link page). It is a place of discussing religion from a human perspective. Some of the members are from a Unitarian Universalist background and we had a Unitarian minister from Christchurch address the Dunedin group last year. The Sea of Faith could be seen to be tolerant of many religious approaches. It does not have any creed or belief system of its own. The Dunedin Group is planning to finish up at the end of the year in response to the falling numbers. However, it will still be possible to be part of the NZ Group, receive their newsletter, and attend the NZ Sea of Faith conferences. The next conference is on 2-4 November 2018 at the Silverstream Retreat, Lower Hutt.

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