Jul 03 2018

Newsletter July 2018

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July 3 2018-07 Newsletter (1)

Hello Sea of Faith Friends

Just because we are not physically meeting, doesn’t mean that we have stopped thinking and reflecting, meditating, praying and it always seems that there is much to think about.

Some of the more traditional community thought the sermon at the recent Royal Wedding was too long. At first I thought – “Hey, seven minutes is enough” but thinking later and reading the text, it was a different story. It is idealistic but then so was Martin Luther King when he shared his “I have a Dream” and we know that the violence of that era has translated into the unthinkable, a “man of colour” as President of USA – and one highly regarded for his intelligence and rhetoric. I think it was Ray Charles who was initially banned in his home state as a performer but his smash hit song “Georgia on my mind” has become the official anthem of the state now.

In 2010 there was the germ of an idea that there should be a memorial to Conscientious Objectors built. It was stimulated by the treatment of Dunedin farmer Archie Baxter (father of James K) during WWI. Well at the end of last week planning permission was granted for an inner city site to build the memorial.

Keep the faith.

Keep warm.

Very best wishes.
Alan Jackson
Newsletter Editor
Dunedin Local Group of the Sea of Faith Network
New Zealand

55 Evans Street
New Zealand

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